Deployable Communications and Information System (DCIS)
Beneficiary: Romanian Ministry of National Defence
The product is a mobile extension of the fixed networks of a governmental organization that must provide communications and IT services for deployable structures of its main components.
The contract (almost 4 mil. €), was awarded to a consortium led by STARC4SYS S.R.L. teaming with STIMPEX S.A. and Dendrio Solutions S.R.L., having as subcontractor Interactive Communications Technologies & Industries S.R.L. in 2020 and it was implemented 100% in 2021. In 2022, the same consortium with STARC4SYS S.R.L. as leader implemented other contract (almost 2 mil. € for 3 qty DCIS).

DCIS is an integrated set of equipements/(sub) systems that provides communications and IT services, information security and cyber defense elements, as well as interfaces to ensure system scalability. It can be configured at its full capacity or according to the mission to be accomplished.
As a component of a military command center it has the ability to provide state of the art technology with:
- • 3 LANs with different levels of classification
- • VHF and UHF communications (as GFE or as required)
- • Satellite communications on X and Ku band
- • Videoconferencing services
- • Voice over IP services

With its 2 components - CIS and nonCIS, DCIS is able to sustain itself energetically and can ensure the fulfillment of the mission in special conditions of time, weather and terain, providing work space for the staff in a tent with air conditioning (in addition to the 3 main operators in the container). During its travel, it is able to pass through deep water and transverse a 30% lateral slope with its maximum load.