Beneficiary: Romanian Ministry of National Defence
The troposcatter radio system - TRS represents a safe backup solution for fixed communications and IT infrastructure at a strategic level, with the possibility of independent installation and operation, network extension or restoration of affected sections.
The TRS is established as a stationary communications node capable of providing critical, alternative communications services for the existing CIS infrastructure, as well as the extension of TIC services from SCIAR to deployable communications nodes and base/reserve command points.
The TRS solution provided by the Association ADISAM TELECOM S.A. & RARTEL S.A. & STARC4SYS S.R.L. is a solution whose system integration was designed and executed entirely in Romania, within the Association, with the support of the main component suppliers:
- • IRT Technologies, Inc. (Canada)
- • Datum Systems, Inc. (US)
- • ReQuTech, AB (Sweden)
and the participation of STIMPEX S.A. as subcontractor.
STARC4SYS S.R.L. ensured the general management of the project, as well as the integration of the equipment in transit-cases.
Everything starts with plans:

and continues in the laboratory:

and to the antenna manufacturer:

Finally, the antennas have arrived and must be tested:

And not just the antennas. We test the genset up/down solution:

Then the integrated system on a 76 km link:

We increase the distance to 180 km:

Slowly we prepare to board the trailers:

The first one is almost ready:

and we are making the final functional checks:

Range tests begin:

We also pass through the frozen ford:

And we go down the steps:

After all this, the first subsystem goes to the beneficiary:

And it arrives late in the evening:

We start the acceptance tests with the first system (at -25 degrees Celsius):

It's so cold...

especially at night ...

and a little blizzard ...

The atmosphere has warmed up when the test results are good:

We continue the tests with the next subsystem for distances up to 100 km:

We cross the Carpathians in Moldova:

Then Dobrogea:

And in the mountains of northern Oltenia:

We still get stuck...but we don't give up.

Links are working and the beneficiary smiles 😀

Was it hard? I’d rather say nice.